Sharing with Others is a Must as an Effective Leader!
In today’s society, it is often a common vibe to keep our great secrets to ourselves, lest someone who is as great as us will steal our rhythm and possibly replace us or surpass us. This produces a culture built around competition, in which we must be the first to produce, and the best at everything we do. It can put us on a plateau in which others look at in amazement; however, it can cause our character to be one that becomes selfish, ego-driven, and cause us fail at being a team player.
When we work with other leaders, especially 10’s (people who are just as great or better than you we are in a task), we must let go of our egos and insecurities in order to thrive as an effective leader and or team player. In addition, as a citizen of society with intentions of impacting our world for the best, it is only right to share with others and help build others who show that they desire to be as effective or even soar to heights never climbed before. As we learn to share as leaders, people will not only admire the work we’ve done, they’ll desire to emulate us and to surpass us in various traits to our honor. When we become true leaders, we will produce other great leaders who can reproduce leaders greater than we are! This should be something we strive for and an area we should continue to grow in.
As an educator, I’ve always done my best to have learners surpass my efforts when I was in high school. I graduated top 4 % of my class as a Bill Gates Scholar, on a full ride to the University of Florida. Whenever I’ve encountered learners who had GPAs that were higher than mine, I encouraged them to consider going to Harvard and other Ivy League schools as well as obtain more monies than I did in scholarships. (I think it would have been silly and insecure of me as a leader to detour their efforts of obtaining greatness, or to not help them out of fear that they would surpass me.) Unfortunately, sometimes we have leaders in our lives who do not want to help others become better leaders. They have a “crabpot” mentality, and lack the ability to share. In order to inspire as a leader and inspire other leaders, we must choose to always share and offer a helping hand . In order for a team to grow and build in worth and efforts, this cannot be the case.
As leaders, we must take initiative to seek out people in our circle who are soaring at our level to work with them, and not hold them down or shut out opportunities to work with them. Holding others down would be considered a flaw stemming from insecurity. The only way to truly overcome this is flaw by helping the ones we are feel threatened/intimidated by, and through choosing personal growth opportunities through making greater efforts to share our talents. In addition, we must seek out leaders who are on our level or past our level and see how we can work together to improve our area of expertise and sharpen each other.
Honestly, the only true thing that happens when leaders hold back knowledge, or refuse to share with other great leaders is that they hurt themselves in the long run. We must choose to always share with each other and grow together with an end goal of greatness in mind. Next time you might be faced with a temptation to refrain from sharing, ask yourself, “What do I have to lose?”
, and choose to overcome your fears through sharing and adding value to the project ahead of you.
Here are some tips to help you share more as a leader:
1. Envision the goal or dream ahead.
2. Sharing can only benefit everyone in the long run.
3. You can only grow as a greater leader as you share more.
4. If you replicate a leader like yourself, you can impact a wider scale of people who need your service.
Remember, we reap what we sow , so let’s sow greatness and share with each other!
Thanks for letting me share,
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