Take a moment and ponder about the last moment you had in life where you came up with a great idea and you felt fantastic. Now, think about the last time you left a meeting with something you wanted to implement but you suppressed it….was it worth it?
Well, I’m here to encourage you to release yourself! It’s time to stop worrying about the opinions of everyone else while your pursue your dreams. Maybe your circle of influence needs YOUR dreams, ideas and vision so that it can create something on a grander scale and can set a new trend.
Why not release yourself? Think of how many wasted opportunities you’ve had to swallow in regret because of fear and doubt and self-condemnation and worry. It’s time to put these negative emotions and thoughts aside, and release the awesome ideas and expressions that you have within.
Refuse to travel down the lane of bitterness, anger, regret, and depression because you continue to cheat yourself for the “happiness” of others. Why not take a risk, and be unique. What’s wrong with bringing a beneficial spin to the equation?
Wayne Gretsky talks about how you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take…maybe through releasing your talents, dreams and gifts, you will be able to open up doors of opportunities that will surpass your greatest imagination. Stop hiding behind the masks of society and behind those that bark louder than you. Go for it and release yourself! We need you to be YOU! With your influence joined with the impact of other great leaders, you will experience a greater appreciation for life, and will help many that are counting on you.
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