No More Shame! It’s Time to Pursue Your Destiny!
Shame is defined as a “painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable… (, 2016).” When someone is covered in shame, they abhor themselves, and speak negatively about their performance. They count themselves out because of what they’ve done and feel like there’s nothing left to their lives. Shame is self-defeat , and we feed it the fuel it needs to hold us back from pursuing our destiny.
Can you picture an infant/toddler learning how to walk? How many times can you see him/her falling and trying to get back up again? Sometimes, you’ll see them cry and even get frustrated because they keep falling and it seems like they’ll never walk. Well, just like this example, we all fall down in life. However, that does not mean that we are to live our lives with our heads down in humiliation and shame. Mistakes are a part of life. Hence, we are wasting precious time living our lives in shame and we need to get back up and begin pursuing our destiny!
I get it; sometimes, we’ve pulled a blunder and really messed up horribly. However, what is sitting around reminiscing about the memory of the past event while sulking in shame going to do for you today? Is it going to contribute to anything you are producing today? Is it going to benefit anyone? I think not .
Now, I want to encourage you with pointers for eliminating shame:
Well, I hope you were able to find some encouragement and direction regarding overcoming shame and moving forward. If you want more information, feel free to read the 4 th Volume my book series “How to Overcome Obstacles From Your Past” for more tips and strategies (Copy this link into your url to order now! ). Remember, the best is yet to come for you, so it’s time for you to finally own your future and say, “ NO MORE SHAME! ” Good luck and I wish you the best as you move forward in success!
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