Get out of Your OWN Way! -Dr. India White
Have you ever started out the year with a New Year’s resolution, just to put the same goal on the next year’s docket? Well, let me help you with this one; maybe you got in your own way just a little bit. LOL.
However, there are no worries. Sometimes, it’s good to reflect and see the progress made as well as areas of growth and focus that still remain. The start of a new year is good for that. Getting out of your own way is necessary for true progress. Here are some tips for you to consider when you are aiming to make progress and get out of the way of your success:
1. Stop Procrastinating
a. Many people have been guilty of thinking, “Oh it won’t hurt to just put this off for a little while. However, with the way humans are naturally, a little while often turns into longer than planned, which causes goals and progress to be delayed. In order to arise from failed dreams and setbacks, choose to plan a date for the success of your goal, and don’t stop until you’ve achieved it.
2. Get a Fresh Vision
a. There is a proverb that states that where there is no vision, the people perish. Therefore, writing your vision and making it plain is the best way to start your journey for the new year. So many people have gone into the new year stating, “New Year, New Me”, but they don’t have a goal listed. This is not going to help them in the long wrong. A vision is essential for the success at hand for each person truly hungry to achieve their goals.
3. Remain Patient
a. Sometimes, a lack of patience can cause individuals to lose out on their goals. In order to reach your goal, you must choose to remain patient and persist until the end instead of giving up too soon. This life should not be seen as a sprint, but a marathon. You must choose to run a steady pace, winning in the end.
4. Don’t Sabotage Your Success
a. Sometimes your success is sabotaged because you trusted the wrong people with your plan, or because you simply didn’t count the cost for your success. However, be encouraged and know that there’s always another chance at achieving success. If you were a victim of destroyed goals and dreams, choose to take a moment to step back and reflect and find out what can you do differently to taste of success next time. Choose to plan wisely and have faith and watch it come to pass.
In conclusion, in order to get out of your own way, choose to stop procrastinating about your success. In addition, as you are paving the way towards success, remain patient as the plan unfolds before you. Then, make sure you write down your vision and don’t sabotage it by placing it in the wrong hands I wish you the best this year as you get out of your own way and truly taste of your success!
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