Don't Complain! – Dr. India White
To complain is defined as “to express dissatisfaction about something.” This makes me think to ask you a question: When is the last time you really said, “Thank you?” and meant it? You might wonder, “Why are you asking me this?” Well, I know that sometimes we simply must slow down enough to appreciate the good that we have in our lives. Further, just being able to count our blessings as we juggle various seasons in life is important as you continue to grow successfully as a business owner. Sometimes, we can all benefit from wisdom and simple tips to help us remain successful in business while doing away the temptation to complain. Here are some tips I’d like to share with you in efforts to help you remain successful and grateful while building your business:
Tips for Remaining Thankful and Eliminating Complaints in Business
1. Don’t Compare
The grass always looks greener on the other side. However, we all know that grass is grass. Hence, some people might carry their circumstances a little better than you are handling yours at the current moment, but just know that your springtime is around the corner. Just remain patient and know that if you keep a good spirit and wait on God, everything must work out for your good! (Romans 8:38)
2. Stay focused on your “Why?”
The reason you woke up today was because you still have a purpose and a destiny to fulfill. Therefore, you must stay focused and get busy. Be determined to pursue all that God has for you! It’s not over until God says it’s over, so don’t complain. Just take things easy and watch it all work out for you!
3. Stay Thankful
When you slow down enough to reflect and think, you’ll realize, it could have been worse. You must know that if you are now at rock bottom, then the best is yet to come for you! Consider Joseph in the Bible, who was thrown in a pit while sold by his brothers in slavery (Genesis 37). Then, he was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife, and was sent to prison as a result. But, at the end of the story, he came out on top, and because he was a right spirit, he led everyone out of famine, and was second in charge in Egypt!
4. Don’t Seek Vengeance
There is a scripture which states, “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay (Romans 12:19).” Therefore, the Creator God knows how to exact judgment. Yes, although he is full of mercy, he will remember you. He will exalt you in due time if you just continue to humble yourself and give your battles to him. Accept his plan of vengeance and choose to forgive and let go so you can continue to move forward. Have mercy and watch God work on your behalf.
Consider Job
Take a moment and turn in the scriptures to the book of Job. Job was probably a multimillionaire in his day. He had not a care for the world. He had ten children, a wife, much land and cattle, doing just fine. In a few moments, he lost it all and had scabs and sores all over him. However, when his livestock and assets were attacked, he answered in faith declaring, “Blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).” He did not curse God and die like his wife suggested. Instead, he remained faithful to God, and trusted that God would bring him out on the other side. As a business owner, or entrepreneur, you must develop a strong attitude towards putting your trust in God and knowing that he is your ultimate provider and keeper. He knows how to give and how to preserve.
As you put your trust in Him, you will see things continue to align with his will for your life. Job practiced the idea and principles of trusting God with all he had, and God restored back to him double of what he lost (Job 42:10). May God do the same for you as you continue on your pursuit to make a difference in the business world.
When you are building a business, things will get tough from time to time. However, choose to keep a right spirit and not complain. Remember to never compare, stay focused on your why, stay thankful and choose not to seek vengeance, and you will begin to reap rewards personally and within your business. Choose to be great and aim high when you have the power to destroy. The best is yet to come. You’ll see. Remember this, if God be for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31)? Also, who can fight against the strong arm of the Lord of Hosts....and win? Just trust God, choose to remain thankful and you'll watch it all work out in your favor! I'm cheering for you!
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