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It’s Time to Take Out the Trash: Detoxing from ALL Negativity! – India White

Admin • November 26, 2019

Can you imagine seeing an eagle in the sky with a garbage back tied around its ankle, or an ankle brace as it aims to soar the skies? Well, I know you’re probably thinking, “Poor bird, someone needs to free that bird of the baggage so it can fly!” Guess what: that’s EXACTLY the purpose of my post for you today!

As we end the year, it’s imperative that we begin planning for a phenomenal New Year, and that we link up with people that need us and that we desire to be with. HOWEVER, We must make sure that we are taking the appropriate steps as we prepare:

  1. We Must Choose to Forgive- Holding on to petty grudges of 5 to 10 years ago is doing nothing but burdening your spirit. Forgive people who have betrayed you, tried to ruin your reputation, stole your business ideas, stabbed you in the back, created wedges in healthy relationships and more. We must understand that not everybody is spiritually or mentally healthy. Listen, everyone will fail in some fashion or another. Furthermore, even among those who should be shining examples to the world, there “godly” persons are dealing with much mental illness and emotionally baggage that has caused them to miss the mark in becoming all that God desires for them to be. Hence, you’ll find that sometimes people in general can be confusing advertisement for who they say they are and what they claim to represent. We must choose to forgive them for falling short and also remember that we also have fallen short. 
  2. Cut these folks off!
    1. You will find that as an eagle soars the skies, they will run into peasants, pelicans, buzzards, and other sorts of flock. Remember that birds of a feather flock TOGETHER. Listen, if people come into your life and the VIBE Is OFF: Run for your life! Some of these people are simply pigeons and buzzards trying to take from you, whether its an idea, a business opportunity, a relationship or just to DRAIN your spirit. If you find that AFTER you hang out with a particular person or group and you feel like “all you do is give” and never receive back, it’s time to cut the cords! If they never invest in you or celebrate your success- they are probably envious, jealous or just bitter because they are slacking in their destiny.  Guess what! You don’t have time for this foolishness! CUT THEM OFF!
    2. Burying Your Talent for Them- If you have to constantly  BEG for acceptance and to be considered in a project, or in an opportunity, even service to your community or your church or etc, it’s time to wake up and move on! It is not the will of God that after you’ve presented your talent that you have to deal with controlling and insecure partners who will not allow you to blossom into the great person that God has shown you. You might be asking, “How do I conquer this?” My response: move forward to the audience that is celebrating you! That means you might have to go live on social media, YouTube, or etc. STOP WAITING AROUND FOR PEOPLE TO ENDORSE YOU! It just won’t happen because people are people.
    3. Hurt People Hurt People- You might be hanging around someone because they’ve been hurt and you empathize with them. Guess what: until they are willing to be released from the hurt and move forward, they will find a means to  HURT you. Yes, you! Even if you are their #1 fan. This my friends is what will leave you questioning how you got into particular situations when you saw the RED FLAGS!” However, maybe this post will help you move forward now before you are hurt even more by those who are bleeding inside. This is probably one of the toughest things to do, to let go of someone who is hurting. However, if they want you in their lives, they will return to you for business, relationship or etc when they can see clearly and realize that you were actually good for them. 
    4.  Jealous or Envious – These people are interesting lol. Why interesting? Because some will approach you knowing that they will never support you and that if they could kill you, they would. You must mark these people and learn to play the game until they fade away. If you aren’t sure whether or not someone is jealous or envious, here’s a test: Tell them about a recent promotion, or something you purchased, or etc. See what the response is…if they aren’t celebrating you, they are probably jealous or envious. Another thing to look for: Did they just try to copy your brand? Are they trying to steal your clients and post up  your ideas as their own? If so, watch out! You need to understand that these frenemies are waiting to strike. So, how do you deal with these people who are held hostage by jealous and envy? Pray for them, celebrate them but NEVER tell them your next move. If you choose to keep them around, it will be a burden…it would be best to move forward into the new year WITHOUT them.
    5.  In COMPETITION With You! Ugh…lol. These folks here….I don’t know why some people are so hurt inside that they feel like they always have to be #1 in EVERYTHING.. However, I am no longer naïve and realize that people are like this in today’s world. Hence, when you realize someone is in competition with you, how do you handle it? Answer: Take away the competition and let them win. LOL. Just walk away from their pettiness. Why? If you don’t they will try to raise your blood pressure with all of their new ideas, events, relationships, and etc. You don’t have time for that. Stay focused on what God is doing and be PLEASED with HIM saying well done in your life. If you life as unto the Lord, who cares what everyone else is doing? This will surely put your mind and wasted energies at rest.
    6.  Insecure – An insecure man or woman is not confident in themselves. Hence, they spend thousands of dollars to look like a million bucks (I’m not talking getting dolled up every now in then which is good- this is excessive due to their insecurity and self-hatred). They also tear down EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that “shows them up” in any way or fashion. This could be in business, relationship and kingdom. Therefore, when dealing with an insecure person, help them out by NOT telling them about what God is doing for you and of your latest projects. Just let them see you posted later on in life🙂You can’t trust an insecure person, because unless they get the victory, they will strike against you sooner or later. Sorry to spill these beans, but it’s just true.
    7. Just can’t put my finger on it “Vibe”- Listen, when you gut is telling you something is off, or you have a discernment, you need to trust it and listen to it. I don’t care how many people are praising that person or that company- if your spirit is telling you that they aren’t for you, then they aren’t for you. Move forward without them. 
    8. Enemies- Sometimes we have enemies/haters around just because its good business🙂However, where God is taking some of us, it’s not a good idea to have them around as you’re trying to soar. How can you tell whether you have an enemy or no? Let them show you their TRUE colors- then, believe them and MARK them as an enemy. Believe me, bad blood is bad blood and there’s nothing you can do to change this. This is why the Bible speak of enemies and even says “Thou prepares a TABLE before me in the presence of mine ENEMIES.” Sometimes, we have to come out of the clouds and know that an enemy is an enemy and move on without them.  I don’t care if they are in church with you, in business with you or in the same circle of influence as you- mark them!
    9.  You Can’t Succeed Because I Didn’t- WOW. I know many of you are reading this and can relate. Some people tell you that you’re too young to be that successful, that educated or that happy.  Or, because THEY had to wait 20 years before they started, so do you. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. This TOXIC mindset will have you carrying unnecessary baggage and missing opportunities for YEARS! Ugh to them and keep it moving. How do you handle old mindsets like this? Keep your accomplishments and dreams to yourself; these people will NOT help you move ahead. Don’t be deceived. They are stuck and choose to be and they want you there too. Just move forward and leave them behind.  Crabs will remain in the Crabpot- You don’t have time for that. You have greatness to purse, so release yourself while you have the chance!
  3. Stay Focused- You are getting ready to press into a NEW year where the Sky is the limit! It’s time to write the vision and make it plain! Get ready to prepare for your destiny like never before. Find you tribe and get ready to dance as you see it all unfold before your eyes. Proclaim what you want, because that is what you’ll get!


As you press forward into a NEW year and a NEW mindset, please feel free to take these tokens with you. I wish you nothing but the best as you move forward.  The best is yet to come. For those of you that receive me and my energy, may GOD grant you 100 fold blessing! To every enemy, you’re in the LORD’s hands🙂

Have a blessed holiday season and remember, this NEW year is FILLED with wonderful opportunities just for you!

Need more encouragement? Check out my biography “Double for My Trouble” or my “Motivational flipbook for Overcomers” when you have a chance!

a. Double for my Trouble! –

b. Motivational Flipbook-

Remember: You can Overcome….Anything!

India White- Motivational Speaker, Author,  Life Coach, National Ed. Consultant,  Math Expert,  Life Coach, Licensed Minister, Doctoral Student, Rockstar Mommy

By India White March 18, 2025
🌟 Super excited to announce that I’ll be the keynote speaker at the VCTM Annual Conference in beautiful Vermont! 🎉 Huge thanks to the amazing VCTM rockstars for this incredible opportunity! Let’s dive into the power of grit together! 💪✨ I can’t wait to share insights and connect with fellow educators, students, and math enthusiasts. Join us by registering below: Let’s make this an unforgettable experience! #drindiawhite #grit #tedx #vctm #teachers #students #math (I don’t own music copyright)
By India White March 18, 2025
Join us on the Let's Get Gritty Podcast with Dr. India White, featuring special guest Heidi Diercks, a retired educator, and life coach! Check out Heidi's coaching nuggets here :chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Watch on Spotify: #drindiawhite #grit #tedx #lifecoach #education
By India White March 18, 2025
🌟 Super grateful to announce that I’ve been selected to speak at FCTM this year! 🎉 Let’s dive into the topic of grit and its importance in education! 💪✨ Be sure to register by visiting their website. A huge thank you to the FCTM leaders for this incredible opportunity! 🙌 #DrIndiaWhite #Grit #TEDx #Math #Educators #Teachers #Students #FCTM #NCTM #NCSM
By India White March 18, 2025
🎉 Super excited to announce that I've been accepted to speak at the NCTM Annual Conference in Atlanta this October! To God be the glory! 🙌 I can't wait to share my insights on grit and how it can transform our approach to education. Join us and register today! Let's make this an unforgettable experience! 💪✨ #NCTM #NCSM #BWXME #Grit #DrIndiaWhite #TEDx #NABSE NCTM - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education
By India White March 7, 2025
Coaching for Grit: Insights from My Virtual PLN Coaching Session This week, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at the Virtual PLN Coaching Session for Math Coaches, where I shared strategies for Coaching for G.R.I.T. It was a powerful discussion on how we, as coaches, can equip educators with the tools they need to cultivate resilience, self-efficacy, time management, and a growth mindset in their students. The Power of Coaching for Grit During my session, I introduced my G.R.I.T. Framework—which stands for: ✅ Growth Mindset – Helping students and educators embrace challenges as opportunities. ✅ Resilience– Encouraging perseverance through productive struggle. ✅ Self-Efficacy – Building confidence in one's ability to succeed. ✅ Time Management– Developing the discipline to break problems into manageable steps. As math coaches, we play a pivotal role in shaping both teacher effectiveness and student success. By embedding grit into our coaching practices, we empower teachers to create classrooms where students persist, problem-solve, and thrive—even when the content gets tough. Keep Building Grit! If you missed my session or want to dive deeper into the G.R.I.T. Framework, I invite you to explore my website: There, you’ll find: 📌 The G.R.I.T. Calendar—daily inspiration to keep you and your students motivated 📌 G.R.I.T. Resources for math educators and coaches 📌 The opportunity to book me for speaking engagements or G.R.I.T. training sessions! Let’s continue this important work together. Coaching for grit isn’t just about teaching math—it’s about changing mindsets and building resilient learners. Thank you to everyone who joined the session, and I look forward to seeing how you incorporate grit into your coaching practices! KeepBuildingGrit 💪 Love, India
By India White February 28, 2025
🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 I’m thrilled and grateful to announce that I’ll be a speaker at the NCTM/NCTE Joint 2025 Annual Conference! 🎉 I can’t wait to join incredible rockstars from across the nation as we discuss strategies for bridging the gap in education! 🥰 Join us by registering through the link below! Let’s make a difference together! 💪✨ National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - NCTM 👉 Register Here ( #drindiawhite #nctm2025 #ncte2025 #equity #math #teachers #students #tedx #ncsm #nctm #bwxme #administrators #principals #chicago
By India White February 26, 2025
Building Grit for Success: A Reflection on My GRIT Training at Imagine Schools Summit I had the distinct honor of leading a powerful GRIT Training session at the Imagine Schools Summit, where I had the chance to collaborate with educators, leaders, and change-makers committed to making a lasting impact in their schools and classrooms. It was an experience I’ll never forget, filled with inspiration, connection, and the shared determination to equip every learner with the tools they need to succeed. The Power of GRIT in Education During the training, we delved deep into the core pillars of GRIT: Growth mindset, Resilience, Self-efficacy, and Time management. These pillars are not just theoretical concepts—they are practical, actionable tools that can transform the way we approach teaching and learning. The summit provided a fantastic opportunity to explore how these principles can empower both students and educators to face challenges head-on and continue moving forward, even when the road gets tough. We spent time discussing how to cultivate a growth mindset in the classroom, encouraging students to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. We also tackled the importance of resilience—helping students bounce back from setbacks, persist through difficulties, and maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity. Self-efficacy was a major topic of discussion as well, as we explored ways to build students' confidence in their abilities and encourage them to take ownership of their learning. And, of course, we covered effective time management strategies, which are key in helping students stay organized, focused, and motivated to tackle complex problems. Collaborative Learning What made this training session particularly impactful was the opportunity for collaboration. Teachers and leaders from across the Imagine Schools network came together to share their experiences, insights, and strategies for building grit in their classrooms. I was inspired by their commitment to creating supportive learning environments where students can thrive and overcome challenges. The energy in the room was palpable, with participants actively engaging in discussions, problem-solving together, and brainstorming ways to implement GRIT strategies in their own schools. This collaborative learning experience reinforced the idea that we are all in this together—educators, leaders, and students alike—and that by supporting one another, we can build stronger, more resilient learners. Practical Strategies for the Classroom One of the highlights of the training was the focus on practical, actionable strategies that participants could immediately apply in their classrooms. From using real-world examples to promote a growth mindset to incorporating resilience-building activities and time management tools, we explored a variety of ways to bring GRIT to life in the classroom. I was thrilled to see educators leave the session with a renewed sense of purpose and a toolkit of strategies to help their students persevere through challenges and achieve success. Looking Ahead As I reflect on the experience, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated group of educators. The passion and commitment I saw at the Imagine Schools Summit reaffirmed my belief that, with the right tools and support, every student can overcome challenges and thrive. Together, we will continue to push forward, building a future where grit is at the heart of every classroom. Thank you to Imagine Schools for hosting such an impactful summit, and to all the educators who participated in the GRIT Training. I am excited to see how the strategies we discussed will continue to shape the lives of students, empowering them to build resilience, embrace challenges, and succeed—no matter the obstacles they may face. Let's Keep Building Grit! As we move forward, let’s continue to encourage growth, resilience, self-efficacy, and time management in our classrooms. These principles are not just about academic success—they are about fostering a mindset that empowers students to persevere in all aspects of life. Together, we can create learning environments where every student can build the grit they need to achieve their full potential. #GRIT #GrowthMindset #Resilience #SelfEfficacy #TimeManagement #ImagineSchools #Education #TeacherTraining #BuildingGrit #EmpoweringStudents #EducationForAll
By India White February 26, 2025
🚀💬 Can’t wait to speak in the amazing lineup at NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education NCSM's virtual conference TOMORROW! 🎉 Join us as we dive into making BOLD moves in education! 📚✨ Together, let’s bridge the achievement gap and empower every learner! 🤝💪 #DrIndiaWhite #Equity #NCSM #Grit #BoldMoves
By India White February 22, 2025
Bridging the Gap Through Cross-Cultural Communication and Interhumanism I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to speak at the Intercambio Literacy Colorado Virtual Conference, where I shared insights on cross-cultural communication and interhumanism. It was an enriching discussion centered on NAEP data, equitable practices, and strategies to bridge the achievement gap—all with the goal of fostering deeper understanding and connection among educators and students. One of the key takeaways from our session was the importance of recognizing and valuing diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds in education. When we create spaces where all students feel seen, heard, and empowered, we set the foundation for meaningful learning and long-term success. Through equitable teaching strategies, culturally responsive practices, and data-driven decision-making we can work toward breaking down barriers and ensuring that every student—regardless of their background—has access to high-quality education. A huge thank you to Intercambio Literacy Colorado** for hosting this incredible event and to all the educators and leaders who continue to advocate for equity in education. Together, we are making a difference! #EquityInEducation #CrossCulturalCommunication #Interhumanism #AchievementGap #IntercambioLiteracyColorado #drindiawhite 😊
By India White February 11, 2025
Join us on the Let's Get Gritty Podcast with Dr. India White. On this show, we will repeat a show from the Grit and Equity talks Podcast with Dr. India White, where we walk through the recently released NAEP data from the National Report Card and speak about moving the needle forward. Listen on Spotify: #grit #equity #naep #drindiawhite #nctm #ncsm #bwxme #math #teachers #students
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