Ever feel like you are stuck in a rut? Tired of getting to the same point in life? Well, then it would be a great time for you to P.U.S.H.: Proceed Until Success Happens! Think about the journey of success. It’s as if you are driving and you get stuck in a particular gear while trying to make a change in your route. However, this isn’t time to cave in and allow the process of driving to defeat/overwhelm you; it’s time for you to get in the mindset to overcome the rut and continue on in your journey towards success! I’m going to provide a breakdown of the acronym so you can keep this with you as you succeed, one step at a time :
You are currently in a process of reaching a particular goal, i.e. finishing a project, writing a book, developing your skills in your career, achieving a desired dream, etc. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to proceed with what you’ve set your mind to do. Don’t faint and don’t falter! It’s time to press forward
and continue to strive for greatness. Fix your mind on the desired goal. Refuse to stop
until you can taste victory and see your dreams manifest!
It’s not always going to come natural for you to come up with great ideas, and to reach the next tier of your ladder for success. However you must endure the “Until” so that it will become a demonstration of what you’ve been working so hard for! For example, think of an individual who desires to run a marathon. The “Until” for them, is enduring every step of the race beyond the breaking point, beyond the fatigue they feel and beyond the negative thoughts. However, as they proceed with the race, they will finally reach the finish line as they desired for so long. So, be encouraged and remember that anything great requires a process
but will be worth enduring. Get out of the rut, and proceed until you are obtaining the very goals you’ve set your mind to!
Success comes in all shapes and sizes and ideas. I am talking to you about what you deem success to be for your situation. Any desired goal or item of success will require effort, consistency and a determination to succeed no matter what the setbacks, or obstacles that manifest. Let the thought of having success get your gears turning
! Let it be the oil in your engine that keeps you moving! Let success give you the intense strength you need to press on into the next level
on your journey to your destiny!
When Success begins to happen, you will feel it, and it will validate the journey and the struggle you’ve endured along the way! When your “happenings” begin, people will notice and will celebrate! You will be “found out”! You won’t have to only advertise by word of mouth, because your colleagues and coworkers will do it for you
! You reap what you sow, and your happenings
will speak of your success for you. You will walk in blessing and everyone will notice. Your happenings will tell of your success, and will manifest the glory of your works!
With that said, continue to pursue and endure whatever it will take for you to walk in YOUR success. Stop allowing the process to defeat you. Put down fatigue and continue to think positively. Remember, somebody out there needs your ideas to manifest so they can taste of the success with you. Society needs you to get it together so others can benefit. You have to succeed because if you don’t do what you’ve desired to do for so long, it might not get done and the world will miss out on your greatness. So, proceed until success happens! No more excuses ! It’s time to make it happen and get it done! I wish you the best! May you be released into victory!!
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