If You Would Just Get in His Presence
Dr. India White
Satan knows exactly what he is doing in your life each day. His moves are highly calculated. You might think that neglecting prayer, fasting, and even church is not that big of a deal. Then all of a sudden, we are distracted with so many decisions and cares of this world that we don’t even have time to get up to pray for 20 minutes in the morning! We begin to indulge in our flesh and know that we can just ask for forgiveness later. Years go by and we wonder how we are cold in our heart towards God. Sometimes, you might even get a flashback of how you used to be on fire for God, and you’ll wonder to yourself, “What happened?”
Let me tell you what’s happening; Time is short. Satan understands this and is working overtime to get you out of the kingdom of God. Misery loves company so if he can deter you from even wanting to be passionate about the things of God, he will. It can be through social media, the news, work, stock market, school and so much more. Many of these distractions are actually good things. There is nothing wrong with a vacation or having social media. However, what has happened is now instead of one social media account, you have about 5 to 10 various accounts for your personal life, business and so much more that you are strung out on trying to keep things above board. This can become heaviness and weigh you down to where you “Have no time for God” or the things for God.
Be encouraged friends and know that there is hope to get back to his presence. Here are some tips as to how you can get back into the presence of God:
1. Pick up where you left off- Sometimes is not always sin that keeps you out of his presence; sometimes, it’s distractions and the busy ways of life that can get you out of his presence. Maybe you got a promotion, started a family, or enrolled in classes. This might require more time of you. However, now is a good time to present those blessings to God and then ask him, “Where did we leave off?”
2. Do some soul searching
– Sometimes life can have your spirit so busy that you don’t have time to get quiet enough to hear God. Take a moment to get alone and do some soul searching. Choose to worship and meditate until you get an answer.
3. Get Honest with God- Honesty is what will move mountains when trying to connect with God. God created the earth by his words, so words have much value. He said that we would give an account for the words we’ve spoken in this life. Hence, being honesty pays off in the long run.
4. Make a Fresh Commitment- Decide to make a fresh commitment on being faithful to God today. Choose to make a 30-day, 3-month, 6-month commitment to restore your prayer life, your worship life, reading of the Bible, and or even placing an altar to Almighty God in your home today. The commitments are limitless!
I hope this helps you on your journey of getting back into the presence of God. Be encouraged!