Hi again!
I was writing this post on a reflection of the graduation celebration I was a part of. My mentor, Vickie Oldham, decided to honor a lady named Chelsea along with myself on our recent graduation accomplishments.
In the celebration, she had about 40 guests, live music, and great food.
There were two songs played to us as an honor, along with slideshow of the different phases of our lives.
We then got up and spoke to the audience. It was a great turnout and I even had a book signing afterwards, and sold all of my books!!
Reflecting on this, I realized that I had never had anyone honor me like that before. I was very grateful and humbled.
People got up and shared their testimonies of working with us for different seasons and everything. I also spoke and talked about my goals of opening schools in Africa as an administrator in my future, and how the monies from my books would help fund that project. The best is yet to come!!!
I met many great people there and was so thankful that people came to celebrate me.
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