Wash Off Yesterday, Prepare for Today!
Any showering addicts out there? There’s just something about being able to get rid of the mess from your yesterday and prepare to launch into today that seems so refreshing! Some of you may feel like you’ve been stuck in the PAST; your thoughts, memories, and actions are all connected to it. However, there is a power in letting GO so you can move forward and go BEYOND!
When we focus on the past, we rejuvenate it and give it the power that TODAY’s memories should have. In their article titled, “Thinking about the past and future in daily life: an experience sampling study of individual differences in mental time travel”, Beaty et al. (2018) found that that thinking about your FUTURE, is more optimistic and powerful than remaining in the past, and that “mind-wandering” and a “sad mood” is correlated with thinking about your past. The PAST can paralyze your ability to think about the future and can have you mentally and emotionally traumatized. When it’s bright and sunny outside, you are depressed because all you can see is…the past.
A great practice is to wake up each morning thankful for another day and getting quiet enough to find out what God’s purpose is for you for your present day! Don’t allow your past hiccups to succumb you! You are NOT defined by your mistakes! Your mistakes are simply a part of the making of your future. They are steppingstones, not monuments. So, if you are wanting to get rid of your constant thinking of the past, here are some ways that can be beneficial for you activating your future and obtaining your destiny:
1. Forgive yourself and others for past failures
-Yes, you may have made a blunder along with many others in your life. However, the true power of being refreshed is when you can forgive others and move forward for your own well-being. Even if you never receive an apology, forgive anyhow!
2. Let it Go!
- Sometimes, we must be reminded to let go of previous downfalls, hurts, and misunderstandings. Give yourself and others some wiggle room to make mistakes and to get things right. The scripture reads, “Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.”
3. Remember, you are HUMAN!
- If we were superpowers or God Almighty, we wouldn’t need to have introspection or areas of growth in our lives. We must remember that we are human, and we won’t always have things right. Therefore, we must continue to pursue new goals and new dreams…everyday!
4. Focus on 3 things that make TODAY awesome!
- There is a quote that states that your attitude determines your altitude. There are times when your vibe might be lower than normal, and you can wake up feeling defeated and depleted. However, choose to be thankful for the small things. Is the sun shining? Was your bed comfortable? Are you healthy and not fighting for your life in the hospital? Is your family healthy? Does your car work? Think about it: is life really that bad for you? Sometimes, we must repent of our stinking thinking, and just say, “Thank you.”
5. Know Your Worth and your Purpose!
- It’s never too late to write a vision and make it plain! There is always an opportunity for you to start over or to get started on your vision! So, choose to know why you exist and what your purpose is so you can be the impactful world changer you were destined to be. Know that you are invaluable, pimples, warts, and all!
6. Choose to Plan for Tomorrow!
- The best way to wash off the past, is to constantly think of tomorrow! When you realize that the sky is the limit, it should spark some hope in you to give it your all and to choose to be great! Plan out 5 things you’d like to accomplish for your tomorrow and make it happen!
7. Remain Thankful and celebrate mistakes and achievements!
– When you remain thankful, nothing can stop you! You might have had a rut or some hindrances, but you will release yourself from these as you CHOOSE to celebrate all things and prepare for success!
So, in conclusion, choose to wash off your yesterday and prepare for today’s success by forgiving yourself and others, letting go of past mistakes, remembering that you are human, focus on 3 things that make today awesome, knowing your worth and purpose, choosing to plan for tomorrow, and remaining thankful as you celebrate your mistakes and achievements. You’ve come this far not to fail. You can only go forward in your tomorrow. So, wash off your yesterday and prepare to have an amazing day today!