The Power to Overcome: Conquering Rejection and Abandonment
Have you ever sat down and pondered your life story? Is it filled with trauma, betrayal, anxiety, abuse, despair. Have you gone to your preacher to no avail? Has your circle become smaller, and it seems like the future is hopeless? If this is you, you might be dealing with demonic spirits of Rejection and Abandonment.
Rejection is defined as: “to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone.”
To Abandon is defined as: "an act or instance of leaving a person or thing permanently and completely"
I want to first let you know that if you have fallen prey to this, you are not the sole blame of it. You see, sometimes we are so desperate for acceptance that we take all types of abuse from everyone. I reflect back on my life from childhood, being abused physically by my mother. I was never good enough. I played saxophone for her, only for her to mock me. I got straight As…still not good enough.
There was a strong hold of reaction there. Then, I linked up with a non-profit mentoring organization who was drawn to my vulnerability and used my story without my permission and made multi-millions of dollars and would not even hire me when I asked them for work. They lied and said to various donors that they were blessing me financially. They got away with taking advantage of me because I was so hungry for acceptance.
I was in relationships with an unstable who had mother wounds and was financially and mentally unstable. As a result, I was rejected, abused and abandoned, and taken advantage of. It’s a cycle. When rejection or abandonment is there, it opens up a door for you to succumb to abuse, then you’re taken advantage of, and the cycle repeats as people, no matter what their ranking, if they are in church, business partner or friend. I almost became unglued trying to please Christian guys that were interested in me. However, I couldn’t lose enough weight, wear enough extensions, or make enough money for them to love me for who I am. I saw that the only way to deal with this is to walk away and focus on myself.
I tried to gain acceptance as a holy minister. I got my minister’s license, went to bible school for 5 years (while everyone else went for only 3 years) to minister at various churches. While ministering and aiming for fellowship at various events, I was succumbed to mental and emotional abuse, and was made to feel as if I was the problem.
This happened because of a spirit of rejection, abuse, abandonment. This trauma paralyzed me, and almost made me walk away from God.
I look and say, How does this happen?
Well, sometimes we read these stories in the Bible of people who were taken advantage of and we fall in love with the power and connections they had with God, i.e. Joseph (Gen. 37:3) , Esther (Book of Esther), Syrophenican woman (Mark 7:24), etc. HOWEVER, we must look at their circumstances and see the abuse they endured. Joseph was rejected and abandoned. Esther was an orphan. These situations are not the norm, yet we’ve learned to glory them for some hope that we can obtain the anointing, while not dealing with the dysfunction that these scenarios bring with them.
We must be able to go back to the root of the rejection and abandonment, take authority of it and stop they cycle! How do you do this? First, get out of denial. If someone abused you, they abused you. Whether it was a husband who beat you, spit on you, took your money or etc. If it was a Pastor or minister, who made advances at you, used you for your money, lied on you, took your ideas/promises and squandered them, and gave them to others, then they’ve abused you. We justify abuse by stating, “Touch not mine anointed”. I must say that although this is true, this does not give them license to continue to abuse you with their words, silent treatment, advances, financial abuse, etc. You are just as much of a person as they are, and you must demand respect and your power back!
Once you’ve recognized this pattern, go to prayer and get everything back that the devil took through these people. Forgive them so there is no place in you for the enemy to work. Then, if they do not repent of their ways, leave them. They are not your God. You belong to God, not a Pastor, or a minister, or an abusive partner. Then, forgive them, heal, and build again. Once you realize that they are only attacking you becuase you are on a higher level than them, have a higher calling and or more anointing, or you have something awesome that they want, then you will divert your anger back to the enemy that used them to slow you down in life. Know that God is not respecter of persons, and he keeps fabulous records and he will repay. Plus, if you remember that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17), then you'll know these vessels are being used for God's glory in your life, and God will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.
In conclusion, as I also embark upon this journey of claiming back my power and being whole in the Lord, I encourage you to do the same. Stop hiding in the corners of secrecy of you’re abusers. Expose them and their deeds, and allow God to liberate your spirit from rejection and abandonment. And, know that if they never acknowledge you, never spend time with you, never validate you, that you are more than enough in the Lord, and he’s simply protecting you from the abusers. Now, it’s time to take back your power, get off of mute, take a step forward in your destiny and fulfill the will of God in your life. May you be made whole
in the Lord.