The BIG Exchange
Have you ever went into a deal thinking you were getting something that would benefit you, only to find out you were ripped off? In life, we are constantly bombarded with deals of compromise that seem promising, but always fall short of glory.
I can remember buying a luxury car from a dealer, who promised me that it was top of the line. At first, it fulfilled what they told me it would. However, after about 6 months, I realized with great regret that I was bamboozled, and had to get out of that deal before I lost my life. The ultimate exchange would have been a car wreck that I didn’t see coming because the car’s beauty had my attention.
Just like this incident, we are all bombarded by beautiful distractions in life, some that cause us to compromise and do things that we are know are morally and ethically wrong. Whether that’s lying, cheating, stealing, we have temptations around us every day. However, we must begin to find out how can we see beyond the deal and calculate the big exchange involved.
For instance, you might steal now, and may never get caught
on this side. However, in the afterlife, are you willing to face your fate? What about cheating, whether on taxes, a spouse, on an assignment in school, etc.? It might seem great, and even feel amazing, but what will the BIG exchange be? If you’re cheating and get caught, can you handle the consequences?
Or, say you’re not caught by man, but the Lord steps in…..can you face him like a man/woman? Also, who else would you be hurting as you’re caught up in this? At the end of it all, you must calculate the risk. Whether that’s incarceration, death, heartache, ruined reputation, lack of trust….weigh it and see if it’s worth the risk. Then, ask yourself about the long-term impact
of your choice. In everything we must consider is the exchange worth it.
Some exchanges are great and are a blessing. However, some exchanges are temporarily great, but can lead to death. There’s a scripture that says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12).” Ask yourself, "Is the way I am paving for my life leading me to a blissful result…. eternally?" If not, I encourage you to consider reeling yourself back
to a place of spiritual and emotional safety.
Listen, many people talk about the lusts of life. Scripture states that there is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Everyday, we all choose how we juggle these. Sometimes, we juggle one more than the other, but at the end of it all…your enemy wants the BIG exchange. What is the BIG exchange
for you? Is it a ruined reputation, damaged relationships, adultery, bankruptcy, or some other dressy sin of the soul that affects your ability to enjoy a healthy and happy life? Is it being emotionally bamboozled, sabotaged, or tricked into a lifetime of oppression? You must walk through the walls of your soul and figure this out.
Here is some encouragement to help you realize if you are up against a BIG exchange:
1. It’s a BIG secret
If you are hiding something that you don’t ever plan on revealing, i.e. money laundering, affairs, gossip, abuse….then this is a moral and or emotional exchange that can keep you tied up in the dark. In order to get out of this, be real with yourself and find out if this is something that you will ultimately share with loved ones as a blessing or if this is a trick of your enemy. Then, get honest with God and yourself, and figure out a plan as to how you can win in the deal.
2. It will Ruin You or Others
The exchange will always cost you to feel like you made a mistake. It will cause shame, emotional turmoil and damage with time. In order to fight against it, calculate your losses, and choose to work beyond the trick into a place of safety and victory so you can recover. When you are struggling with winning the deal, remind yourself of this scripture, Mark 8:37, which states, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his OWN soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange
for his soul?"
3. It will cause Conviction
You will feel a tug at your soul that will let you know that things aren’t peaceful in your spirit. That’s because you’re exchanging values and things that you should hold onto. Choose to work through the conviction and not shove it to the side. Conviction can reveal God’s ultimate plan for your life.
4. It causes Fear
Your BIG exchange will cause you to fear your sense of security, sense of safety and future trajectory. Any decisions you make should make you feel amazing inside. Exchanges always make you feel trashy inside, like you made a wrong turn. No matter how it’s dressed, you will fear that if this exchange continues, you’ll be in big trouble.
As you work through various areas of your life, decisions you must make, and situations you are currently working out, choose to see whether there has been some type of an exchange
made that has caused you to slip in your spirit, emotions, finances, relationships and more. Choose to work through any fears, work with conviction, and choose to fight for yourself and your future. You belong to God, and he has great plans for you. Refuse to allow lust or compromise to rob you of your destiny. Stay with God and thrive!