You were made to GROW! - Dr. India White
As a gardener tills their land, there is always a high hope in their crops, that they will produce a great harvest. Usually, when a seed is planted in an environment conducive for growth, the gardener reaps more than they expected from that seed.
I believe it is the will of God for everyone to prosper, just as seeds in a garden. However, we must all be planted in the right environment. Whether that is being in a stable and healthy home, church or work environment, each environment has a direct impact on your ability to thrive as a purpose and excel in your purpose.
Imagine this: you’re a gardener and you plant a cucumber seed. After a few weeks, you start to see the plant begin to rise from the soil. There’s joy and a hope for many cucumbers. However, you fail to water the plant. Well, after a while, that cucumber plant will not survive because you have not provided it all the nutrients it needs. Similarly, what if you gave the cucumber plant water, but didn’t fertilize it regularly? Well, it will probably produce a small harvest, and will settle below its potential. Or, what if the cucumber plant is growing, but the soil of the plant is hard, and stony? Well, it may last for a few days, but it simply can’t thrive because its foundation is rough on it.
I bring up these examples because people are just like a cucumber. Some people can thrive because they have all the love they need to thrive. Whether that’s from their parents, spouse, children, coworkers, religious leaders and or mentors, they know that they are loved. See, this group of individuals is what makes up their TRIBE and helps them thrive. They can call these people any time and get advice. If they are in a rut emotionally, financially, or spiritually, they know they won’t have to embrace this alone. What is sad is when people do NOT have this support. Then, they end up being like a cucumber plant that is not watered. They have no love coming their way. They constantly pour out with nobody pouring in. People give them the cold shoulder instead of loving them as expected. Or, they go home to abuse, or go to places of worship where they suffer spiritual and emotional abuse versus the love of God and love from saints and spiritual leaders. This should not be, however, there are MILLIONS of people facing this reality.
Further, people enter their workspaces full of joy and ready to “make it happen”. They want to leave a mark and contribute, only to suffocate and feel like they are barely hanging on. Sometimes, they deal with abuse in forms of microaggressions, racism, sexism, body shaming and more, making them feel inadequate, invisible, and unappreciated. This is all an unfortunate plan from abusive bosses and leaders who can’t outright “fire” that individual without cause, so they make their lives a living chaos while on the job. Now, unfortunately, people are made to stick it out until they can become financial independent, enduring the abuse from narcissistic leaders, racists, sexists, and more. In environments like this, many people do not perform at their potential because they lack support from the top. They’ve become a silent threat, not a part of the fabric of the organization. Insecure leaders will shut down a great leader or try to pull the rug out from underneath them instead of giving them permission to soar and even grow beyond the organization.
So, how do you grow beyond the pain, abuse, shortcomings, and more? Well, you’re going to have to find an outlet in which you can thrive and a strategy for detoxing from abuse you receive at work, church, or in the home. Here are some strategies you can use to thrive beyond abusive, narcissistic, and cruel people that have failed you:
1. Don’t take it personal
a. Sometimes, people can be in leadership and downright miserable. They might have various biases that they approach you with. For instance, as a minority, they might not expect you to have much education. Hence, if you surpass their opinions, it might ruffle their feathers. This is nothing to do with you. You simply fulfilled purpose in your life, and messed up what they learned about your “kind”, making them feel inadequate within themselves, and upset with your success. Refuse to buckle to this type of abuse. Continue to move forward in purpose, no matter how many people compare themselves to you.
2. Find an OUTLET!
a. How do you detox from drama, mistreatment, negativity, and your haters? You MUST find an outlet. The last thing you want to do is to take it out innocent people including your family or those around you that support you. Take a trip to the beach, work out, or find someone with great energy to hang out with. Refuse to wallow in the negative energy that people invoke on you due to their personal mental and emotional issues.
3. Find NEW territory!
a. Why continue to knock on the door of rejection, shame, humiliation and blame when there is a world filled with billions of people who will gladly receive you? Take a moment to identify any people or opportunities that present rejection, shame, humiliation and blame to you and close those doors. They are not worthy of you. Period. Find the new door that awaits you around the corner. Make it happen by faith.
4. REFUSE to accept Mess
a. You have every right to ignore and refuse negativity that comes your way. You do not have to sit under abuse or serve a leader who is toxic. Why would you spend your life like this? You might think it is the “will of God”, but I can assure you that God has more for you than this. Choose to grow beyond the negativity and thrive beyond the mess!
In conclusion, it’s time for you to grow. Hence, find time to heal, reinvent yourself and start anew. Find new energy and take advantage of new opportunities. Don’t allow your dreams and your talents to die. Grow beyond your environments of hate and be great! Take this scripture with you: “Isaiah 54:17: No weapon formed against you shall prosper!”