I am sure many of you are pressed about so many different things: money in the bank, opportunities that lie ahead of you, loved ones going through sicknesses or difficulties. Life has a way of bombarding us with anxieties, fears, and unforeseen circumstances that it can be truly overwhelming.
I just want you to know that you are not alone, and that believe it or not, there is a solution to all of the trouble you are facing. Sometimes, we must get back to the basis of things and choose to consider God in all that we do.
This makes me think of Mary the mother of Jesus and when the angel visited her. He told her that she would conceive a child who would be the savior of the world. Her response was everything we need to catapult us through every worry, decision, and trial that we are facing today: “…Be it unto me according to thy word (Luke 1:38)!” It is here that she did not question her situation; she accepted it and concluded that God would do what was best by her. She knew that ultimately, all power belonged to God!
That is it my friends! You see, once we make up in our minds that we are going to be content with receive what God Almighty has for each of us and that he will do all of his good pleasure towards us, it will alleviate us from constantly worrying, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and more!
Some of you are facing impossible situations where you think your enemy has won. Whether you are battling disease, divorce, bankruptcy, or other situations, it looks like it’s over for you. However, I want you to take a moment and toss your situation before the heavens and say, Be it unto me according to THY word in this situation!
When you rest on the word and the will of God for your life, you will stop being jealous. When you rest on his plan, you will stop trying to sabotage others Matter of fact, you'll choose to love instead of hate in ALL you do, whether business related, in fellowship, or in other capacities of leadership.
When you truly trust in God, you will know he will not allow you to perish in the hands of your enemy. Further, when you rely on his word and his will to stand for you, you will conclude that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You will walk in the fear of the Lord, and you will know that you will not have to fight your own battles because HE will fight for you.
So, when will you choose to stop fighting? When will you surrender your methods and your vengeance to him and let him do it? Will you consider God in this next part of your journey and allow him to fulfill his will, even it if seems like a loss? Will you allow them to do you wrong like they did Jesus, and know that nobody gets by, but maybe God is trying to use you to be a light for them?
Will you surrender control over to him so he can fulfill his will for you? Believe me, he does know what’s best for you. Choose to say like Mary, “Lord, be it unto me according to thy word” and let the situation go! I promise you; you will begin to see results.
Dr. India White