Are You Enjoying Your Flight in Life? Dr. India White
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to take a trip anywhere on a plane, you understand that there is much preparation that must go into it. From choosing which plane to fly, to packing, making sure you can afford the flight, ticketing, getting to the airport on time and so much more. Then, once on your flight, you have to make sure you are in a spot where you can enjoy the flight. However, once you are on the flight there are several things you can do that can take your time away from enjoying the view of the flight and the actual flight. For example, you could choose to watch a video or listen to music. Further, you can choose to chat with neighbors, go to sleep, check internet and snack on the lovely plane snacks. Just like we have several options in choosing to remain entertained on a flight, so it is with our flight of life!
Think about it: How many of us has actually reflected long enough to figure out what our purpose is in life? Have you gotten quiet to figure this out? Have you been able to meditate, pray, and focus long enough, or have you been distracted with the winds of life, enjoying anything that comes your way? If you have been distracted, be encouraged. We all have been there! It is so easy to be on “one channel” of life, and be tempted to begin something new! The problem with this is that we can become a jack of all trades and a master of none. Further, we can get sidetracked from our purpose, never fully achieving the will of God for our lives. So, before you continue to go onward with various winds of life, here are some tips to help you to get back on the right track of life and actually enjoy the beauty of your journey:
1. Focus!
– Now more than ever is a great time to begin focusing again. Take the time to get alone and get scary quiet- enough where you can hear from your creator regarding his will for your life. Then, get a confirmation and move forward!
2. Write a vision and make it plain!
– There are many things that can stop a vision from coming to pass, including a lack of clarity and procrastination. In order to address this, simply choose to write out your vision and set goals to achieve it at a set time. Then, choose to stick to it and not veer to something else when other temptations come your way. You can do it!
3. If it doesn’t help your purpose, remove it!
– Sometimes unbeknownst to us, we entertain people, side hustles and other distractions that take away from our purpose. Maybe it’s even something as simple as Netflix, or Snapchat. I’m not sure what it is in your life, but ask yourself a question, “Is this distraction helping me to achieve my purpose?” If the answer is no, then choose to discard it. You have too much to accomplish to be distracted, wasting time on things that don’t edify or help you achieve your life’s goal. Remove it while you can before it takes away precious time that you can never get back.
4. Don’t settle for less!
- Whatever you do, REFUSE to settle! There have been so many people that choose to settle in their life’s calling for several reasons, including people’s opinion, a hope for better pay and so much more. Just know that if your purpose has been made plain, nothing else wills satisfy. Choose to never settle for less!
5. Be Happy!
- It’s your choice to be happy! It is your choice to enjoy YOUR LIFE. I mean, God gave you this life, so find out how to be happy. Do not get stuck in the past, or in your mistakes. You cannot change that now. Just choose to move forward.
I hope this blog inspires you as you partake on your journey of life. I’ve found that with God and a great mindset, this life is the BEST!